April 12, 2008


I'm sorry that you have been waiting so long to hear about the surgery on Thursday. I keep meaning to write; I’ve been about as tired after this as with the Chemo.
The surgery did go quite well. There were a few complications that could have come with getting the lymph node out but none happened, which I am very thankful for. One was a punctured lung because it was close to the top of my lung the other was rupturing a small lymphatic form that would secrete a white substance that would not have been good. The first I would have had to stay in the hospital because they can't send you home with a punctured lung, and the latter I would have had to wear a bandage with a ball to keep pressure on it over the site for 2-3 weeks. I am so glad that neither of those happened and I am still alive. I did however have a drainage tube until Friday to make sure there was nothing secreting into the area of the wound, which is protocol by the surgeon, I guess that area doesn’t bruise well.

The lymph node was sent to a pathology lab and possibly on to the Mayo Clinic to be processed. We are hoping that there were no cancer cells in it and I can continue with the Retuxan as planned. I will find out sometime next week. So please, please continue with your prayers and fast if you can, I can use all the help that I can get.

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