August 4, 2008

Day 14 - Day 14, Feeling more healthy than a salad green.

Deliese needs to be credited again for all of the recent mantras. Today I went in to the clinic for 1 1/2 hours to get the CBC and talk to Dr. Brunvand. He got it scheduled to get my Central Line Catheter out on Wednesday morning before my exit interview. I am so looking forward to going home on Wednesday. The boys have really been enjoying the pool; but it is so hard to keep them quiet in the apartment; and Lizzie is worse then them. Tomorrow hopefully we can take them to the Butterfly pavilion to see Rosie the Tarantula; if we go when it is the least crowed I don't have to wear a mask. The boys got almost all of the books about spiders at the library; so they are really into it right now.

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