August 13, 2008

Day 23 - It's fun to be me

I forgot to write yesterday, I guess that's how good I'm doing. We went to the pool since I can't stand staying in the house. Tomorrow I will go to the doctor again but in Fort Collins. Hopefully my counts will be higher. If you want to guess what my white blood count will be tomorrow or my platelets make a comment. I think I will guess my wbc will be 2.1 and my platelets will be 174. It's funny since my family has guessing games like this for what the new baby will look like.

My eyelashes are down to about 10 lashes an eye. The hair on my head seemed like it was starting to grow but that new growth went away. So it will probably be another 2 weeks until I get some growth again.


Deliese Kubie said...

wbc 2.3, platelets 180. Can you spare some platelets? Mine are down to 84. Docs aren't too concerned yet, though. Trade you for more wbcs!

Love, Deliese

Monica said...

wbc 2.2, platelets 178.