July 26, 2008

Day 5, Doing the Jive to "Stayin' Alive"

That song is now in my head. "ah, ah, ah, ah Stayin' Aliiiiiiive".
So I had a bit of fun before leaving the apartment this morning for the clinic. I thought I was doing quite well, in fact, when after I ate a bowl of cheerios, I all of a sudden got sick and threw it up. Then we were in the lobby on our way out the door and the other end started rumbling. So I had to go back upstairs and rush to the bathroom again. Even though I hate throwing up, the worse thing so far is the constant horrible taste that is in my mouth. It makes foods that I love, like the brownies that Derek made last night, taste horrible. The doctor says it is because of the GI tract scuffing cells, since they are very fast growing cells the chemo wiped them out and is continuing too.
My CBC came back and my white cell count is at 0.1; so that is as low as it can go and they expect it to stay that low for a few more days before coming back up. But I managed once again not to go to the hospital for more blood.

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