July 16, 2008

Day -5

The kids came down last night and immediately wanted to go to the swimming pool. We went to Applebee's for dinner (don't tell the nutritionist, but the doctor said it was okay this week) and then the boys and Derek went down to the pool for a swim. This morning I came in for Chemo and went back to the apartment and the boys went for another dip in the pool; they love it. I do have to say I am getting very sleepy today and I also had insomnia last night for a little while. My nurse, Penny is telling me to make sure I take every day one day at a time. She is hallarious, I think we will be working with her for the most part through the whole treatment. So far when I come in here they keep me in a little room with my drip. I haven't really seen that many other patients; but Penny tells me there are a few that are around my age with kids, so she would like to act as a cruise director and get us all together. I have had to go the bathroom almost none stop all day. They pump a continual bag of saline the whole time so I am really getting full of fluids.

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